who is responsible for the condition of the US # 1 Donald Trump, # 2 Rush Limbaugh

Oct 09, 2022 00:05

The people whose actions , both planned and accidental  are responsible for the ultimate collapse of this nation. .

1.Donald Trump.

Everything that he has ever done, has been done solely with the intentions of benefitting him.  He makes Nixon appear  honest. The big difference this scandal and Watergate although Nixon did not act alone. Hs co-conspirators were all on the inside. Haldeman, Ehrlichman, and Mitchell were not elected  officials. Nixon had little or no  support in Congress.

Most of the  elected Republicans are Trump Sychophants.  Those that exhibit independent though are treated like Pariahs and often  challenger by a candidate who will do whatever Trump says . With Trump and a republican majority , there is no separation of powers. No check and balances. If  he even looks at an elected republican askance , the fear of his retribution will bring them back.

He  doesn’t have the capability of telling the Truth.

He is vindictive to an extreme.  He takes everything personally.

He is disrespectful of  anybody who disagrees or differs in any way from him.

He is devoid of ethics, morals, and empathy.

He is ignorant , and has no respect for history, which make him incompetent.

He is a hateful bigot who has consistently failed at everything that he as ever tried to accomplish.

He is self-serving and not very bright. , he will also stop at nothing to accomplish his  nefarious goals.

He is  a stupid, disrespectful, unethical, immoral, unfeeling, vindictive, ignorant incompetent, paranoid pathological liar, bigot and failure. That is not even the characteristics that a mother would love.

Does anybody think that it is a good idea to give him  a second chance to be the  person in control the atomic bomb?

He was willing to sacrifice his very loyal and stupid Vice President  because Vice President Pence would not violate the constitution, this time. .( Vice President Pence, Attorney General Barr and others also appear on this list despite that they have not been complicit with the January 6 insurrection. I will include them on this list because for so  many of their actions helped legitimize Trump and set the table for January 6)

This serial sinner also has  many of those in this country revering him and slandering an honesty religious man in President Biden. This does not surprise me. I have never considered organized religion and hypocrisy to be mutually exclusive. In the past they  had tried to mask their hypocrisy, but now they fully admit their hypocrisy. They show no compunction about supporting candidates like  Trump. Walker , Jordan, and others. They continue to claim their moral superiority.

Because they stilll claim that superior morality, they also have recently claimed that this country is a Christian country. The intentions of our forefathers could not have been clearer.  They were so concerned with the possibility of Religion having an influence over government, the concept of separation of church and state is conspicuously placed in the first sentence of the first amendment, and   later revisited in the 14th Amendment.

The First Amendment to the US Constitution

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the religious civil rights. Whereas the First Amendment secures the free exercise of religion, section one of the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits discrimination, including on the basis of religion, by securing "the equal protection of the laws" for every person:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction there of, are citizens of the United States and of the State where in they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

I can’t comprehend how they plan on supporting their beliefs as stated by that “Low iqanon’  representative Lauren Boebert  of Colorado  that the United States was established as a Christian  Nation. I have no doubt if this issue came before the Supreme Court, with its current membership intact there would be 4-6 justices would agree with Representative Boebert (I have guarded optimism that Justice Gorsuch and Chief Justice Roberts have more integrity than the other right-wing Justices(Thomas, Alito, Kavanaugh and  Barrett)). Such a holding will be a contradiction to their claim that thye are  “originalists.”( I prefer to refer to them as  “convenient originalists”  and point out that the holdings  Bush v Gore and Citizens United (both decisions written by Justice Scalia, who will also appear on this list)  cannot be justified by a true “Originalist.” ))


Say something once,

It’s dismissed with a laugh

Repeat again ,some think it a gaffe

a lie become truth

When often repeated

Watch your asses

we can still be defeated.-

One of the most embarrassing moments in the history of this country, was seeing  this man receive the Presidential medal of honor. A sexist, , homophobic,  climate denier, racist somehow. He  is the second coming of  Father Charles  Coughlin in the forties. Limbaugh was the  pied piper of the ignorant.

His influence has been responsible 1994 midterm election which made Newt Gingrich the speaker of house, the event that I predict when the  history of collapse of the United States is finally written it will the nation’s  Fort Sumter

I am not  a believer in conspiracies.  What I have long believed is that any conspiracy in doom to fail the reason for that is every conspiracy , by definition, is with a dishonest person. Have you ever heard of a conspiracy that worked?  Of  Course, you have not.  If the conspiracy was successful, you will most likely never  hear about it.

The goal of te Nixon cohorts was for them to choose their opponent  was a success. . The cover-up, which was necessitated by the fact that they were caught  was n failure.

There were many Democrats who were running.

1) Senator Edmond Muskie (Maine)

2) Vice President Hubert Humphrey; (Minnesota)

3) Senator Edward Kennedy (Massachusetts)

4) Senator Eugene McCarthy (Minnesota)

5) Senator Henry (Scoop) Jackson (Washington)

6) Represented Shirley Chisholm (New York)

7) Governor George Wallace (Alabama)

8) Terry Sanford (President of Duke University, North Carolina)

9) Senator George McGovern (south Dakota)

Nixon was behind  Muskie or Humphrey in the polls and feared that if either were to become the Democratic  nominee, he would lose.  Nixon was terrified of Kennedy.  And many of those involved in the campaign spent a good deal of their time trying to dig up dirt on Kennedy. (That was difficult, because there were plenty of questionable things t hat Kennedy had done.)

Some of the candidates he knew were unrealistic from a democrat point of view. That eliminated Sanford, Chisholm, and Wallace.

Jackson was too conservative and could steal  votes from Nixon.

McCarthy was never going nominated. He had retired from the Senate and  did not generate the enthusiasm that he had in 1968. If Nixon had tried and failed to make McCarthy the nominee, he would end up with Muskie, and it appeared that a Nixon vs Muskie election he would lose.

The “dirty tricks” which wer referred to as Watergate started long before the break-in. There were dirty tricks going on for years. The most famous and most successful dirty trick was the “Canuck-Letter” which resulted in the end of Senator Muskie Presidential campaign.

The Canuck letter was a forged letter to the editor of the Manchester Union Leader, published February 24, 1972, two weeks before the New Hampshire primary of the 1972 United States presidential election. It implied that Senator Muskie was  prejudice against Americans of French-Canadian descent.

The letter was masterminded by Donald Segretti and written by Ken W. Clawson.  In a childish scrawl with poor spelling, the author of the Canuck letter claimed to have met Muskie and his staff in Florida, and to have asked Muskie how he could understand the problems of African Americans when his home state of Maine has such a small black population, to which a member of Muskie's staff was said to have responded, "Not blacks, but we have Canucks" (which the letter spells "Cannocks"); the author further claims that Muskie laughed at the remark.  "Canuck" is no longer considered to be a slander against Canadians, but in 1972 it was a  term often considered derogatory when applied to Americans of French-Canadian ancestry in New England; a significant number of New Hampshire voters were of such ancestry.

On October 10, 1972, FBI investigators revealed that the Canuck letter was part of a dirty tricks campaign against Democrats orchestrated by the Committee to Re-Elect the President .

They also wrote letter  on Jackson stationary, which stated that former Vice President Hubert Humphry uses call girls.

All of those involved , except for Nixon who was pardoned by Gerald Ford (I have no issues with Ford, and he appears nowhere on this list, his pardoning of Nixon may have taken away any sense of retribution that the country felt , but it was the correct move. The country had to move on. It was a brave decision.)eventually went to prison, so why do I claim that Watergate Conspiracy was a success for Nixon?

Because it accomplished its goal. The results of Watergate were the democrats nominating George McGovern, the weakest candidate in the field (The fact that I refer to Senator McGovern as the “The weakest candidate” is not meant to disrespect or disparage the senator who has long been a hero of mine.)

Nixon labeled McGovern a pacifist and it stuck . In the early 2000s I went to hear McGovern speak. One statement  that he  said sticks with me to this day:

“I never was a pacifist. I just never found a war that was worth fighting since World War 2. That one we had to fight; We had to stop Hitler”

He was right about that , Korea, Vietnam ,Iraq (the second war) and Afghanistan were all disasters that we had no business participating in . (Iraq one was not the disaster that others were, that is because George H.W. Bush had a legitimate reason, a goal and a plan to leave and stuck to it. That is not to say that I agree with our aggression, but I cannot think that war in the same way that I think of the others.)

McGovern also was a very sincere and honest man. Despite his hatred of war, he was highly decorated fighter pilot during World War 2. (There is an exceptionally fine book, which I highly recommend, written in 2001, by Stephen Ambrose called THE WILD BLUE about McGovern’s service to the country. ) It is a pity that we must always think about a great man like Senator McGovern as a weak candidate.

Another Quote  about war from George McGovern


“I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in.’’

Thre is a significant difference  between the Republicans of 1968 and the Republicans of 2022. In 1968 Republicans like Senator Howard Baker of Tennessee and Lowell Weicker of Connecticut thought about Country before party. Today there  are few and far between  Republicans concerned about the truth . Those who seek the truth like Representatives Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois,  are forced to leave congress after facing of Trump . Long time representatives, who they have served with for many years,  like Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy will turn their back on the few honest colleagues and instead support Trump’s great lie, .

The result of Trump’s vindictive and dishonest nature instead of congress being filled with  representatives similar to  Cheney and Kinzinger, who the Democrats disagree with but respect and could more likely find common ground with, which would get this country ourt of its to start to work for the benefit if the country , instead of working only for themselves it may finally clear up this nearly 3 decade stalemate that their constant obfuscation has resulted in. therefore make it possible to have progress. Since  the stated only goals of the modern-day Republican Party

1) regaining the majority.

2) Pleasing Donald Trump.

3) Making their rich constituents richer.

They have become nothing mor  than a gang inappropriate classroom bullies.  Republican leader who was once Everett Dirksen and Jacob Javits are now Jim Jordan and Ted Cruz.

This Republican degeneration was started by Limbaugh, and those who had sympathy for Nixon and his cohorts about Watergate.

Next will be Numbers 3 and 4 Newt Gingrich and Clarence Thomas

george mcgovern, liz cheney, newt gingrich, george h w bush, rush limbaugh, everett dirksen, ted cruz, jim jordan, bob barr', kevin mccarthy, donald trump, clarence thomas, canuck-letter, george w. bush, donald segretti, republican party, ken clawson, lowell weicker, adam kinzenger, michael pence, edmund muskie, stephen ambrose, jacob javits', howard baker

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