Government issues warning about the about mysterious creature.

Mar 15, 2013 11:43

Government issues warning about the about mysterious creature.

(Tampa, Florida) A pack of Tropical Ides have invaded the City of Tampa Florida. These Fuzzy creatures, are about 2 feet tall and weigh approximately eight pounds, and always travel in packs. Alan Eckman of the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare has issued a warning. “If you come in contact with an Ide, go immediately to your local Hospital, these creatures are extremely dangerous.”

It is uncertain how the Ides, indigenous to the Island of Guadeloupe, got to the United States. However Florida Governor, Rick Scott, placed the blame on the Obama Administration. “If these creatures didn’t believe that they could get free healthcare in the United States, they would have stayed in Guadeloupe.”

The Ides have long been an attraction on the Caribbean Island. The creatures, which live deep underground, mysteriously appear on March 15, each year for their annual parade. After many years of Guadeloupians being trampled to the ground by the seemingly harmless creatures, the government of that small Island realized that it is better to let them parade. Every year on March 15, Main Street, in the City of Bass Terre, is roped off so that the Ides can parade without being disturbed.

Penalties for disturbing an Ide, range from deportation to being forced to listen to rap and disco music for every night for a year.

One person in Tampa has already been hospitalized after being trampled to the ground by these mysterious creatures. Signs have been posted all over South Florida stating, “Beware the March of Ides.”

guadeloupe, florida, united states, barak obama, tampa. rick scott

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