Still More Pet Peeves

Feb 20, 2008 09:30

The line keeps moving.  The line that separates acceptable behavior from unacceptable behavior.

Today I took the railroad to work.  I heard a clipping sound from the seat next to me.  The woman next to me was clipping her nails.   The projectiles are known to go in all different directions.  Thankfully, I got out safely.  I think that the next time I take the train I'm going to wear a Motorcycle helmet.   It could have been worse, there wasn't enough room for her to take off her shoes!

We have to be told not to spit in public.  Is the next Subway sign going to be "$50 fine for clipping nails?"

If this has become acceptable behavior, what's next?   Do people now have license to pick their nose in public?  What about their toes?  What behavior is left for the bathroom?  I leave that to your imagination.

We've all noticed people walking down the street apparently talking to nobody.    There was a time when you'd avoid these people.  Now some of them have this Star Trek like contraption protruding from their ears so that they can have a meaningless conversation  while walking down the street.  They don't stop there.   I'm sure that you've been behind them on checkout lines and bank lines.   These are places that you truly relish the delay that these people cause.

Not dissimilar is the person who waits until the cashier finishes tallying up the groceries before he or she takes out their wallets.   Are they surprised that they had to actually pay for the groceries.

star trek

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