I never update this livejournal any more. I have been drawing a lot more lately but since uni has been getting really heavy (two assignments and a test next week) I haven't had much chance to start my comic up properly. Anyway at my deviantart page (
jello-bomb.deviantart.com) I have uploaded the first 9 pages of that comic, as well as some more landscapes, if anyone is interested. Now I'm going to go lie down and rest my back... leaning over a notebook in lecture notes for 8 hours is not easy, and I can't even lean over my tablet to draw and relax a bit!
Okay I am just whining now.
When I get around to it I have a few irrelevant elefent comics to post. Oh, and some rubbish scribbly doctor who comics! (New series is kind of cool, Rory is the best part)
On a lighter note my 19th birthday is next Saturday! I'm going to get drunk! Just kidding... though it'd make this journal more entertaining!