Nov 25, 2005 14:26
>.< Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreak!
*spaztic dance* Oh man.... I Loooooooo O O OOO ve break! It's sooo good so good to me. ^_^ Not being around Andrew is so amAaaazingly fantabulous.. I can't even begin to describe how much I'm enjoying time outstide of all that drrrrama. That, as you know, we created because we were "conspiring" against him.. because we're imature.. yeah?? yeah remember that??? *ROFLMAO*
SOOOO good!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha... I'm dead serious, when I see him face to face I'm just going to pee my pants... cause of laughter hahahaha... I know I know, this is really mean, but I can't help it, his retarded egotistical.. oh man... it's just too hilarious!!! hahaha. Good thing I'm so immature right?? *shakes head*
Some kids. will never make sense to me. And um.. don't really think I'm missing out on this one. The thing that get's me is how he treats women. I don't know, I think it's that he's dating a girl now, that really got me how unimportant other people's feelings are and how he's just in it for action. And he knows it too. I never realized to what extent, but not he was totally serious, it's a horrible thing about him. :/ poor kid.
Garglefarkle... here's the part were I have to be tolerant and accept him with all his faults. >.< damn conscience. Ooh well. we'll see how the next 3 weeks go. I don't think he likes me that much, so it'll be easy to avoid him. ooh except the part were we both have the same best buddy. hrmmm. Yeah. Elly belly... how's that gonna work? *shrug* I'll for sure have my monkey boy though :D...
Look straight ahead, there's nothing but blue skies