Rock-afire Explosion.

Feb 09, 2009 20:53

I just watched a documentary about robots used at Showbiz Pizza as a band that performed while kids ate pizza (Showbiz Pizza was later bought out by Chuck-E-Cheese). The robots were made from 1980 to 1983 and then the plug was pulled, but there's enough of a fan culture around this robotic band that a documentary was made. One fan bought a set of these robots, costumes and all, and PROGRAMMED THEM TO PLAY ANY SONG HE WANTS.

Here is Rock-afire Explosion doing MGMT's Electric Feel:

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and here's a commercial shown for Showbiz Pizza during the documentary that I TOTALLY FUCKING REMEMBER FROM 1984. They must have played this commercial for like 2 years because I was 2 when it originally aired, but I definitely remember this commercial and it's weirding me out.

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