Feb 13, 2004 18:14
Apathy Shuffle: hey you
oh no ophelia: hey
oh no ophelia: whats up?
Apathy Shuffle: nothing really
Apathy Shuffle: you?
oh no ophelia: nothing. my friends bailed on me
oh no ophelia: we were gonna go to the movies
Apathy Shuffle: aww
Apathy Shuffle: me sowwie
oh no ophelia: its ok
Apathy Shuffle: whatcha doin for V-day
oh no ophelia: I may or may not go see ethan... and I'm s'posed to go to graham's birthday party with Lisa
oh no ophelia: nothing romantic at all. what about you?
Apathy Shuffle: I think i'm going to get drunk
oh no ophelia: good idea. I may do that at graham's party. unless all he has is beer. hopefully not, and then I can make out with random people
oh no ophelia: such fun
Apathy Shuffle: no...I'll prolly just play videogames untill i pass out
oh no ophelia: yeah
Apathy Shuffle: noting romantic
Apathy Shuffle: I have no one to be romantic too
oh no ophelia: yeah
oh no ophelia: well I don't either. hah
Apathy Shuffle: we can be romantic to each other
Apathy Shuffle: heh
oh no ophelia: no, I don't think it works that way
Apathy Shuffle: i know
Apathy Shuffle: it really doesnt
oh no ophelia: yeah
Apathy Shuffle: blah
oh no ophelia: cheer up, emo kid
oh no ophelia: haha
Apathy Shuffle: ::emo tear::
oh no ophelia: lol
Apathy Shuffle: your hot
oh no ophelia: oh shut up, I am not
Apathy Shuffle: are too
Apathy Shuffle: thats my story and im sticking to it
oh no ophelia: lol
oh no ophelia: :p
Apathy Shuffle: :0
Apathy Shuffle: why do people have to be romantic on V-day?
oh no ophelia: they don't
oh no ophelia: it's stupid
Apathy Shuffle: See i knew someone else thought so
oh no ophelia: of course
oh no ophelia: alot of people think so
Apathy Shuffle: you think it might have something to do with us not having anyone to be romantic to?
oh no ophelia: maybe
Apathy Shuffle: yeah maybe
Apathy Shuffle: but who really cares?
oh no ophelia: exactly
Apathy Shuffle: Its a halmark holiday
oh no ophelia: mhmm
Apathy Shuffle: se that pisses me off
Apathy Shuffle: see*
oh no ophelia: yeah
oh no ophelia: it'll be okay tho
oh no ophelia: tomorrow will be just like any other saturday
Apathy Shuffle: for me and you it will
oh no ophelia: right, and for quite a few other people
Apathy Shuffle: but for thoseother people its V-day
oh no ophelia: so? who cares
oh no ophelia: they're stupid
Apathy Shuffle: I know
oh no ophelia: :p
Apathy Shuffle: who needs V-day or any of that romantic crap anyway?
oh no ophelia: right
Apathy Shuffle: I say we boycottV-day
oh no ophelia: ok Apathy Shuffle: awesome
Apathy Shuffle: I have Morrowind, I'm not lonely!
oh no ophelia: yeah
(I'm too lazy to put in color)