Dec 31, 2006 13:07
my mom who flipped her poo at me yesterday because i took a half hour nap is now complaining she doesnt want to be alone tonight so she's dragging me out to the hotel washington to watch the fireworks downtown. not only is she doing that but shes doing it in like 10 minutes
umm wtf i dont want to spend new years with a hormonal bich
not to mention i already had plan
not great plans, just hanging out with the neighbors, but its what i do like every year and its a lot of fun and i JUST ditched out on hanging out with them on friday night because i had double booked, and i feel bad
i was really looking forward to tonight and now i'm not at all
i just spent all of yesterday cooped up in my room, the last thing i want to do is spend today cooped up in a hotel room
i'm so pissed off right now
but i cant let her know this