Apr 17, 2009 20:45
Well hello livejournal! I have some time to kill, so why not update, yeah?
The semester is coming in to its final stretch, and thus far I am primed to be doing quite well! In Race in the Americas, I've had my first paper returned with a B+, and I just got back the midterm with an A-, huzzah! In that class, I have another paper, and a final, which I believe will be in class unlike the midterm which was done at home. In Tibetan Buddhism, I've had two of three paper assignments returned with a B+, with another paper to go, and then a final. Huzzah once again! In Modern Drama, I've had the one paper thus far, a response paper on the ART's production of Endgame come back a glowing A, and indeed the professor really likes my ideas so I should be able to get an A or so on the big research paper that's due, and then that will be that. Thrice huzzah! The only unknown really is Music Theory. I've made it to every class but one, kept up on all the homework that I know of, and been a bit mixed on the quizzes, but he doesn't really grade those so much as correct them and track our progress, I think. I believe that class has a final, I'm not sure, I know there is a final composition which I need to write as long as I do convincingly I should get an A on the assignment, and lets, worst case, a B in the class, best an A-, probably.
But you know what I'm really waiting on is to hear back from NYU, and then my fate will be decided. That's why I've cared about my grades thus far, cause it is fun to get good grades but also because I've been planning to transfer. If I don't get in maybe I'll try again, but I don't think so, to be honest. I'll probably just stay at Harvard Extension in that case. I am optimistic of my chances, knock on wood, of getting in, but I need to hold my breath until May. You know, I will be disappointed if I don't, but I should soften the blow for myself whatever the case cause it is hard to get into Tisch.
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark as it is now known, will be going up soon. Gulp! We have some shit to pull together on this show, yo, for real. And if we do it could be good, we shall see! And maybe you will too! It's possible I invited you on Facebook, but I generally kept it to people in the area and who I've been in touch with and who I expect may actually show up, and many of you are elsewhere or maybe I haven't heard from you. If you'd like an invite, just let me know, and that way you'll have the info and shit. Sound good? Ok, cool. I think this has been a good entry. Tata, LJ.