May 24, 2008 21:06
90s punk rock still makes my heart melt.
JOYCE: this is that thing, I couldn't quite eloquently explain
One component of Michigan's prevention package has been signed
into law! Governor Granholm has approved two bills to increase
information and awareness about human papillomavirus (HPV) and
the HPV vaccine. Senator Deborah Cherry (D-Burton) introduced
Senate Bill 415, which requires the Department of Community
Health to identify information regarding risks and availability
of human papillomavirus and provide it to schools. The bill is
now law, Public Act 120 of 2008. Representative Brenda Clack
(D-Flint) introduced a bill to require school districts that
distribute information about immunizations or infectious disease
to distribute information on HPV and HPV vaccines to parents and
guardians of students in at least grades 6, 9 and 12. House Bill
5322 is now Public Act 121 of 2008. Both measures took effect
Planned Paernthood tells me:
In a whirlwind of action, the Michigan House introduced and
passed out of committee several new additions to our state's
proposed prevention-based policies.
House Bill 6048, introduced by Representative Rebekah Warren
(D?Ann Arbor) requires emergency rooms or urgent care clinics to
offer emergency contraception to survivors of sexual assault.
House Bill 6049 H-1, a bill to require pharmacists to deliver
lawfully prescribed, FDA-approved drugs or devices in a timely
manner, was introduced by Representative Alma Wheeler Smith
Representative Marie Donigan (D-Royal Oak) introduced House Bill
6050 to create the Emergency Contraceptive Education Act. The
bill requires the Department of Community Health to develop
informational material on emergency contraception for public
On May 15, barely one week after their introduction, these three
bills were reported out of the House Judiciary Committee.
Additionally, Representative Steve Bieda (D-Warren) introduced
House Bills 6051 and 6052, bills to expand insurance coverage to
include an annual Pap test. The bills were referred to the House
Insurance Committee.