a thousand blessing rain down on me...it's the end of the semester

Dec 04, 2006 15:22

Here I am at my college and hopefully this will be one of the last times taht I get to be here. The semester is almost over...I have about 5 more classes 2 more english 243, 2 more maths, 1 speech clas...o wait never mind 6. Yoga...hmm...I wish I could just be there in spirit. But I guess not, my chakra can get there. hehe....say OHMMMM.

I am going to the COast guard ball this friday and am really excited! I can't wait to go there. I get to wear my pretty uniform...hehe. Pretty sweet.

I am also getting together with an old friend of mine tomorrow.

speakign of wich...SETH SLABY came to sheetz again. I swear don't people ever learn, this aint high school nomore. DRugs are not cool..I don't care waht way you spin it.

(I am not against doing weed but honestly...where will it ever get you in life, seriously...also I ahve a very serious job taht has as it's mission to stop marijuanna from coming into the country)I BELIEVE IN THIS MISSION!!!!!!!!

Now taht school is almsot over I am goign to focus on getting my pracs out of the way for promotion. I want to move upwards in the CG!!


oyeah I drank a double shot LATTE...I swear that I am floating on a cloud:)
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