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Jul 05, 2007 09:36

This past weekend Scott & I went to my parents to visit.  we got lost driving to Austin, which made the trip a little longer than necessary.  I also took Monday off, so my family + Scott went hiking in the Austin Green Belt, a swath of park in the middle of the city that mkes you feel like you are in the wilderness.  I declined bug spray for the hike, despite the rain and heat, because the mosquitoes living in my car had already covered my legs with bites.  The hike was okay--we set out at 4:30am and there were lots of spiders and itchy plants.  We got back around noon and I went swimming with Scott & my brothers at Deep Eddy, a local pool that is uncholorinated because it is continuously feed by the Barton Creek Spring.

It was a pretty good weekend overall; I enjoyed playing puttputt with my brothers, who were much better behaved than in years past.

Scott and I drove back to Houston on mid Monday afternoon. We spent the rest of the day chillaxing and getting Ubu used to the apartment (I am dogsitting for my parents and so we brought Ubu back with us).

I woke up Tuesday to go to work, and noticed that a bug bite on my left leg was looking a bit icky, it looked like it had been scratched too much, so I put hydrocortison on it and vowed to not even think about scratching it.

I got to work and we about my day.  Around 3pm, I went to the bathroom, where I noticed that my bug bite had turned black.  I freaked out, thinking I had gotten a nasty spider bite while out in the woods, and immediately called Scott.
He came and picked me up and we went to the ER.

After waiting for 3 hours, the doctor prescribed some antibiotics (I had to have two because of my sulfur allergy) and vicodin for the "pain" (because itchiness ==pain aparently).  I wasn't convinced it wasn't a spider bite, so I tried to ask the nurse if it was definitely an infection.  She mistook my inquiry as a reticence to take antibiotics and told me flatly that I could take the medicine now, or end up in the hospital with a blood infection in a few days.  She also reiterates that if I spike a fever, I have to go to the ER again because that means I have a blood infection. Well.

Scott and I filled the prescriptions, and of course the antibiotics are usual because the typical one prescribed is the sulfur based med. So the pharmacist upped the dose of one of them because the pharmacy doesn't stock a lower dose.

We finally got home, and I took the antibiotics (I passed on the pain killer for the time being). I had to eat dinner, wait two hours (since my meds can't be taken with calcium) then take them, so I took them around 9:30pm.  One of the antibiotics causes sun sensativity and the other can destroy your joints/tendons.

I also manage to bump the bug bite on the dining room table leg, bursting it open, which causes grossness and requires another trip to CVS to get gauze and adhesive medical tape (lolz).

That night, my arms feel heavy and numb.  I'm a little worried, but exhausted and fall asleep, until my upset tummy wakes me up.  I slept on and off for a few more hours until I wake up to my arm falling asleep. Before I realize what is happening, my arm is numb to my sholder.  It's morning, so I call the ER (as one of the meds says to do this if you have numbness/tingling).  The nurse tells me to come in, so Scott and I head back (it's Wednesday, btw).  We wait from about 9:45am until 12:30pm, and I finally get to see a doctor.

This doctor takes me off the antibiotic that is causing the numbness and decides to see if the other antibiotic is enough.  However, he cautions me that it probably is not enough to fight the infection. So he gives me another prescription, to use if by Friday my condition doesn't improve or gets worse (aka fever).  I also get some surgical scrub to wash my wound in, since it is now a big open wound.

So I spent my fourth of july at the hospital. : \  But it was rainy so not too bad.

Other than the fact that the meds make me feel sick (and I've started taking the pain killers because sometimes the itchiness is painful) I'm not doing too bad.  The weather is overcast, which means that I don't have to worry too mcuh about sunburns, which is nice.  The bug bite isn't really healing, so if I don't see any improvement soon, it's off to the pharmacist again.

And Scott is getting a sinus infection or head cold.

Yeah so, when your mom says don't scratch your bug bites. Don't scratch them. Because the only thing worse than itchiness is antibiotics (also who wants to end up hospitalized with a life threatning infection because they didn't have the self control to stop scratching a bug bite). LOLZ
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