27.01.2012 ~ Family-ous Tết !!!

Jan 28, 2012 00:53

I have always known that i am actually a family person. My present family, not my future one, at least not yet. I cannot imagine having kids or a husband i have to care for. I just want my family to stay like this forever. I love my mom and dad. We went to Hội hoa xuân together the other day and yesterday we played cards until 1.30 in the morning. My mom said tonigh we would go to some concert and i was super excited because i have never gone to any concert other than the ones at school. And my brother got tired from all the hanging out today so he talked us into playing cards again. We went along with him. But i did not regret because if we went to the concert we would not have had such a good time like tonight. What makes me happy is my family spending time together. Yesterday i won a lot but tonight was not that fortuitous to me. I lost a lot but i am happy. But just a minute ago, i remembered saying some really bad things. My mom and i were eating while playing cards and my dad said something like because my mom eats so much she cannot lose weight. And i said something i am regretting so much, i said that because i had her genes i cannot lose weight too, my brother, may be he saw my mom was sad or something, said that i should not say that. But i made it worse by saying that i just said the truth. Now i feel like a fucking idiot. I must have hurt my mom. I feel that i have not spent enough time with her this holiday and i had to go to school next monday and it is already saturday. i do not know why but i feel like once i start go to school again, she will be sad to be home alone. I do not wanna think about it but it just keep coming. Because i want to go studying abroad, everytime my mom talks to me about it, she keeps mentioning she would feel really lonely without me. I know i am talking like i would be okay all by myself, now i don't know about it anymore. I dont want my mom to feel lonely at any cost. 
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