Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuckity fucking fuck on fucking toast with a side of fucking fuckery.

May 10, 2007 13:36

1.) I was sent an email at 11:06m that I read at 12:59, from the professor whose final I thought I was taking at 1:30 this afternoon commenting on the fact that I had missed this morning's final in HTY 398. FUCK.

2.) While on the phone with Mom, telling her how stupid I felt, the topic turned to paying for my May term class. I started looking for my last receipt from the Credit Union, and realized that oh, hey!- that identity theft? It was Key.com's asinine way of labelling my purchase that I made at a store in Portland when I went to see Kat two weekends ago, as I found the receipt from that purchase.

So now I'm waiting to hear back from my professor about possibly taking the exam this afternoon, and have decided to switch to UCU for my checking, as I spend more time deciphering Key Bank's online statements than necessary. Plus UCU will give me a better rate if I'm a member, as I'm thinking I'm going to go through them for a car loan sometime soon.

Needless to say, I'm still grumpy.
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