May 11, 2005 22:52
its been a while so hey! lifes good here. lovin weight watcherss core plan.. lost 10 lbs since jan! it takes so friggen long but im eatin so well and workin out so its all good. im happy with the results.. if i lost 10 more by the wedding, id be ecstatic! and i will. i have a bit less than 5 months..cant believe how close it it..i REALLY cant. 149 days! crazy. work is great, i still love it. sso glad i work w cool people. i hate goin back and forth between nj and si. its draining. like tomorrow im going thurs-mon. so i need to bring work clothes for 2 days and an outfit for a communion on monday. im hopin i have the work clothes i think i have there. its so annoying. i feel liek moving is going to be so impossible. i feel like i have so much stuff, and so little time. i really dont have much time. im not home til like 7. then im tired, have to cook (or if im home in si i just have to eat!) and do my weights workouot, maybe watch a tv show then its bedtime. the days are seriously flying. feel like the wedding will be here so soon and nothing is done. even right now as im typing im thinking of 10 things i should be doing...sleep is number one, shower is a far second, making a to-do list is rounding third. the bridesmaids dresses are in. will get em fri yay! im happy about that. thats about it.
im totally worn out. went to the drs today to get my blood test results. they sorta sucked. doc said i have not enough of somethin in my blood, this type 8 thing or something. means my kids might (seemed probable) be hemopheliacs. so that friggen blows. have to pray for girls bc its usually only in boys (for girls itd have to be both 'x' chromozomes with the deformed blood thingy and the boys would only need the one). so that was a downer. who knows, maybe when i looked down between my legs at like 3 yrs old and told my mom that "im not pushin a baby out of that," maybe that was a prophesy! i said "im gonna adopt like aunt rosemary" ha. what a little dork i was. anyway. it was bedtime 3 hrs ago, but 3 hrs ago i was just getting home from the drs! damn schedule. i love work, i hate commuting (took me 2 hrs to get to work today and 1.5 to get home..damn friggen buses).