Unexpected Gifts

Aug 31, 2010 22:14

Just how does one react to a Winterveil gift from a ghost?

I know what you're thinking. "That's a question with a story behind it." You're right.

This visit to Booty Bay was meant to be the standard 'grab some fruit, restock the rum, hunt for job openings' affair except I take two steps off the ship to have the Wharfmaster inform me that a package arrived for me a few days before and that Rev is "holding it for me'" and wants to have a little chat with me next time I make port. Lovely.

Now I know there is no way for this to end well, but I also know that there is no way my ship is getting back out of the port without a massive firefight until I face the music, so I square my shoulders and head off to the top of the tavern to see what the Baron has to say.

Revilgaz is all smiles when I get there, though I know the old devil well enough by now to know that a smile on his lips is not always a positive sign. Still, he tells me to pull up a seat next to his and sends one of his men off to fetch a bottle and the package the wharfmaster mentioned. So I sat and made the obligatory small talk, filling him in on my crew's latest exploits while carefully dancing around the relevant details so as not to give him any information he might be able to use against me in the future. I am slowly getting the hang of this pirate act.

The underling finally arrived with the bottle, a well aged snowplum brandy, and a small wrapped package which had quite clearly been opened and then rewrapped. I made no mention of it, but it must have shown on my face because Rev was quick to remark. "Had ta be sure there was nothin' dangerous in there. Can't have one of my assets gettin' herself blown ta bits now can I?"

I'm sure I winced at being referred to as his 'asset.' I am beginning to think that the open ended favor I promised him was a massive mistake. Bloody Ari and his benders... I digress.

The package contained a leather bound journal with a bronze dragonhawk embossed on the cover. There was also a letter and I recognized Seldorin's careful handwriting.


The reconstruction efforts on Quel'danas are coming along quite smoothly. The former temple has been completely cleared. Amongst the wreckage some of Father's personal effects were found, this journal amongst them. Given the note on the first page it can only have been meant for you. I hope it reaches you safely. Goblins are not known to be trustworthy couriers, but I have no other means of contacting you.

I do not know all the details of what has passed between you and Torian but I would ask, please, that you try and put it behind you. One of you must be the first to bend, and we both know it will not be Torian. A gesture from you is all that would be required. Please Netha. Our family is small enough now as it is.

I hope you are faring well in whatever path you've chosen and I would like for you to write to me, at least, even if you cannot come home. I just want to know that you are safe.


"S'a cold world when ya can't even trust your own kin." Rev said softly as I folded the letter again, leaving me no doubt that he had read it. "Anything I can do ta help?"

I shook my head absently as I opened the journal to the first page and read the small inscription, a lump forming in my throat at the sight of my father's elegant script.

A bird no longer, my little dragonhawk. You've stretched your wings, now spread them, and soar.

I read the words three times before closing the book and fighting my Captain's mask back into place. It would not do to allow Revilgaz to see tears in my eyes. One deep breath and I was able to keep my voice steady as I answered his question more firmly. "No, thank you Rev. I'm sure the situation will resolve itself."

"Well.. Ol' Rev is always here ta help." He patted my knee.

"Yeah.. at what price?" That's what I thought. I said. "I'll keep that in mind." And rose to depart.

"Wait a bit." the goblin said. "Got a package of my own fer ya." And he drew a small wrapped bundle from behind his desk. It was topped with a large green bow. I blinked at it. "Go on an open it." He said. "S'a gift. No strings." He added seeing the dubious expression on my face. "Tis the Season, after all."

I hesitantly peeled the festive paper away to find... lingerie? I can only assume that's what it was. They don't generally put fur on swimwear. Well.. they don't in Silvermoon anyway. The goblin was grinning at me expectantly but I really had no words. I think I managed a soft, "Thank you, it's.. lovely." before being walked back to his office door. His instruction to come back anytime and not be such a stranger in port washed over me as I made my way out in a bit of a daze. One thing is for certain. The old goblin is going to have call in that favor if he ever expects to see me wearing this skimpy little thing. In fact, since the only place I could imagine wearing it would be to bed on a very warm night.. I don't imagine anyone will ever actually 'see' me wearing it all.

Back on the ship I sat on my bed, alone, and tried to cry. Nothing came. My mind was too full of worries. It would seem 'Ol' Rev' has taken a personal interest in me. A personal interest of the lingerie giving variety. Nothing good can come of this. And the truly maddening thing of it is.. I have no one I can talk any of this out with. I've long since given up trying to speak to Ari of anything remotely serious, and light only knows what Pyrce would say and Seol.. well, that thought isn't even worth pursuing. He would just give me that polite, confused look and then worry himself half to death over a problem he doesn't fully grasp that isn't even his.

No. I have only these pages and the bottle of port on the desk with which to unsnarl my thoughts. As always.

playing pirate, family trouble, trouble thy name is arimadios, beer flavored nipples, silversails, seldorin, creepy goblins, alcohol solves everything, jelleneth, pyrce, complications, torian, seol, ic, arimadios, little birds need space to spread their , baron revilgaz

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