haven't updated in 4ever and a half. thats cuz theres nothing interesting going on.. lol and plus shelleys not here, and shes my #1 commenter! :( miss u shelley.. but so happy 4 u nd david :) :) :)
but anyways, a lot of ppl r going out w/ ppl like wo0ah. its weird hmmph.. w/e
alrite so laura came over tuesday ^_^ we were guna go 2 the beach, but cuz of ma 'behavior' pshh! and the fact my bro lost his retainer, we cudnt. so then my mom brought us 2 castle island lada on that night, and me nd laura walkd the sugar bowl its called.. and thats like 4 miles! and we didnt even realize it. but it was wicked nice.. by the beach n shit its pretty i liked it. we just talked the whole time about our boy toys.. lol laura.. but anyways then we got ice cream after too :D hehe i <3 ice cream!! it was soft serve twist of vanilla and chocolate yea. lol
SOO the next day we went 2 canobie lake park!!!
YES it was sooo osm. i loved it extremely. in tha morning all of my driving sources were @ wrk so we hadda walk 2 the church! (we went w/ the alter servers cuz i am an alter server u kno hehe so i getta go free and i chose 2 bring laura cuz it was only $20 4 her) and so we walked and made it in time. took us about a 1/2 hour, then we started the bus ride which was okay. then when we got 2 the park i mostly hung around w/ laura stephanie c! danny jose and frankie's lil bro..lol which was interesting. the rides i <3ed the most were the yankee canonball, star blaster i think?, and the corkscrew!! also castaway island, that shit was fun. some guy kept squirting us, lol laura..it was stephanies first upside rollercoaster (the corkscrew) and she was soo scared. but so was i, until the ride started then i was pumped.like when it actually started moving, then after it was ova steph was like can we do it again?! she loved it. :) i <3 upside down roller coasters. hehe so then after we just rode back and i was going thru stephs contacts and i called this person called chris m. i was like is it chris moseley? and she said idk! lol she doesnt kno her own contacts..lol..she called and no1 picked up, then we called matt seeley cuz he is moving! :( but he didnt pick up eitha, then we called steve im and he picked up. lol i was like are you the guy that danced wit kelly sheehan?? hahaha. and i just talked 2him a lil then i talked 2 him 2day 2, hes cool~
but overall the trip was freakin osm and i loved ittt <3
then laura and me went 2 cresent ridge later on in that night :D hehehehehe and then she slept over again, and i made her a myspace check it out
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=21409723&Mytoken=20050714180914 hehe x3
yeah thats about it. do this survey stolen from emily if u love me.
<1> Who are you?
<2> How good of friends are we?
<3> Can you tell me anything?
<4> Do you love me?
<5> If yes, what do you love about me?
<6> Am i pretty, averarge or ugly?
x off all that apply to me.
() hyper
() sad/emo
() happy
() crazy
() mental
() insane...literally
() annoying
() sexy
() stylish
() fake
() real
() gross
() lazy/lethargic
<7> If we could spend one day together, what would we do?
<8> If you could bring me to one person to meet, who would it be?
<9> If you had $100 specifically to spend on me, what would you get me?
<10> If you had to get me a present that didnt cost money, what would it be?
<11> If i was sad, how would you cheer me up?
<12> How long do you think we'll be friends/stay in touch?
<13> What song reminds you of me?
<14> Would you kiss me?
<15> Would you hug me?
<16> Would you spend the day/night with me?
<17> What's the farthest you would go with me?
comment, bitches.