Huge banners with numbers that send my heart sinking

Aug 09, 2009 13:38

#119 (9/11 D:)

To begin, Happy Birthday Singapore! (I always say you have lousy national colours but not much you can do about that, eh.)

Elyssa, when you see this, please PM me! I have something to ask you but [fire]walls have ears. Haha okay not funny. Aiyah pictures wtp logs wtp Bio wtp secrets wtp.

I think we have to get cracking on Film asap. I need to edit the timeline! And we have to start casting. If you love the Shutterbyes (Elyssa Hannah Joelle), please ask us what roles we need to fill for our short film, and express some interest because it's the courteous thing to do {:

Study plans don't work very well when life throws a spanner in the works. And lemons. I don't even like lemonade. Not much. But stuff the English studying, I will focus and finish logs today. But that leaves me with zilch time to do thing hunting. Levites Batch '10! Where's the spirit? Where's the standard? Hohoho.

Om nom nom talk to me people.

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