I feel so blah. Probably because i havent been getting a lot of sleep lately. But im not compaining. ;)
cheesus I feel so weird. I want to feel one way so it pushes me away from my actual feelings. I think the reason why we are always so confused is because we hide the way we really feel with the feelings we think we should feel. if that makes any sense.
Monday. It went by sooo fast. olive 1:15 days. :)
We almost finished "Traffic" today in religion class. with Topher grace. (nudges jeaniepants)
(driving into the ghetto)
Robert Wakefield: I can't believe you brought my daughter to this place.
Seth Abrahams: Woah. Why don't you just back the fuck up, man. "To this place"? What is that shit? Ok, right now, all over this great nation of ours, 'hundred thousand white people from the suburbs are cruisin' around downtown asking every black person they see "You got any drugs? You know where I can score some drugs?" *Think* about the effect that that has on the psyche of a black person, on their possibilities. I... God I guarantee you bring a hundred thousand black people into your neighborhood, into fuckin' Indian Hills, and they're asking every white person they see "You got any drugs? You know where I can score some drugs?", within a *day* everyone would be selling. Your friends. Their kids. Here's why: it's an unbeatable market force man. It's a three-hundred percent markup value. You can go out on the street and make five-hundred dollars in two hours, come back and do whatever you want to do with the rest of your day and, I'm sorry, you're telling me that... you're telling me that white people would still be going to law school?
think about that.
I saw 13 going on 30 with Smash and johnny on saturday. It was cute, and kina funny. But utterly corny. Then we went to borders and i got the Franz Ferdinand cd. yayyyy. Twaz fun hangning out with smashies and johnny. spitting up icee and throwing popcorn all over the place.
omFG coachella!!!!!thisSAturday!!!!
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