For the second morning in a row, Iko has been such an excite-a-puppy and so naughty during morning walk that I had to turn around after a short block because I did not think I could keep us safe. He is a Strong Boi even at not full grown, and I am not strong again yet and still supposed to be babying my ankle. (Also, the tree and grass pollen counts are way high, which is Not Helping me not feel like poo. I *did* hit the gym briefly last night, which I can feel a bit, but it was slammed so a big chunk of the weightlifting I'm cleared for was not actually available.
I'm gonna do my (small) Beltane stuff on Sunday, which is both when I next have time and the actual between-the-equinoxes day this year.
"May Day" is entirely a labor holiday in my head now, anyway.
I am a shuddering ball of whine.
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