I'm clearly getting old

Oct 09, 2018 19:57

I resorted to a can and a half of Monster energy drink to make it though the Pancakes and Booze show (we tore down at 1 am) and was basically completely wrecked for two days following. My body appears to be almost entirely done with bubbly caffeinated drinks, so I need to come up with a new strategy before the next late night show, and frankly, a new strategy for handling the regular shows as well -- I won't be up past my bedtime when I vend at GeekGirlCon (table #804! Near the back!) but they are pretty much 12-14 hour days with no real breaks.

As long as I am talking shows, the rest of my schedule after GeekGirlCon (still waiting to hear back from one more show) for in-person shows is:
November 24-25 - GeekCraftExpo, Seattle [FREE but only if you register for tickets in advance]
December 1:- Cascade Winterfest, Shoreline (free)

December 15: Georgetown Holiday Market, Seattle (free)

Instagram cross-posting continues to fail, so here are the new pretty things in general and new designs in specific:

This entry was originally posted at https://jeliza.dreamwidth.org/1057708.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

#804, body, adulting, art

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