Nov 20, 2004 13:08
I've been voted to be editor for SAI... which means I am also on the exec board! I'm so excited. I get to take pictures and make a scrap book for the group, as well help behind the scenes. It's so me. Today I've got an important meeting for SAI. Speaking of which I should get ready for.
Shane came up last night. I planned dinner and Amanda and Elwira kept me company and helped get it ready. We had a wonderful salade, along with mashed potatoe's and pork chops with gravy. We had apple pie and vanilla ice cream for dessert. Afteward, Joe, Tj, Shane, Amanda, and I played games. It was a fun night.
13 more days of class until Christmas break. I truely can not wait. But before that, I can't wait until Turkey day. If mom would call me back she'd know that I invited Shane to come, and that I intend to help cook which I'm also looking forward to.
Tomorrow, I get to play Elanore Rigby with the wire choir... a group of girls that all play strings. I'm excited. Though it's weird that I know a few friends who've never heard of it... I thought everyone loved the Beatles. Hmmm.
I volunteered for a blood drive on Wednesday. Would have liked to give blood, but I have too recently gotten a tatoo. On Thursday, I volunteered for the Members In Training On Friday, I helped out with Orchestra Day. I did the regestration, then took pictures for ASTA. After their lunch I helped clean the room.
This week has been the week of tests. One of the reasons it has been so long since I've updated. I had a test last wednesday, one on Saturday, three on Monday.