Sorry guys I just can’t come up with a snappy opening for this episode like all the others. But I will say this I haven’t enjoyed an episode this much since Divided. I know that doesn’t say much since it was three episodes ago. It just point to the high quality. While okay, Human was a little too saturated with character moments. Lost was the opposite in terms of storytelling. I felt the balance between characterization (mostly Greer) and action that comes with Eli and the others “planet-hopping” was superb. I was on the edge of my seat for awhile and especially the last 10 minutes. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves again. Back to the beginning.
The teaser is nice in the regard that it sets up the techno parts so we the viewers can get right to the action of the episode. I am talking about the part discovering that Destiny is leaving one galaxy and going to the next. That is an important piece of info and it helps us learn more about the Destiny. It tells us like when the Destiny goes to a sun it reserves vast amount of power so the ship can make it to another galaxy to finish its mission of exploring planets. I think that is an important piece of information for the future.
Okay show of hands who knew that C4 would make the ruins unstable? Be honest. I mentioned last week how I thought the ruins should collapse after that explosion. I take back what I said. I am pleased that they made the structure so dangerous in this episode. Also I am pleased with Chloe in this episode. I dare you to say she was useless in this episode. Go on I dare you. As you may have noticed I was very pleased with Chloe and making contributing skills about the ruins. Too bad about Greer though
I know it’s scattered through out the episode but lets do the whole Greer’s flashbacks in one paragraph. It really explains why Greer is who is. If I had a bitter mean drunk for a father I’d probably be a little angry too. You get poked and ridiculed so many times by a person (let alone this is his father) so many times you’re bound to get angry at the world. As far as psychology goes, it’s quite common to be angry at the world if you have had a rough upbringing. So it makes sense why Greer has a short fuse with people who anger him. Also it kind of shows of why Greer is loyal to his friends, like he was to Scott in Space. The way Greer was to his mother and it really hurt him to see her abused by Greer’s father shows that Greer is at the heart a honorable man that does what he can for his friends. These scenes really spoke to me and made me feel sorry for Greer.
Now let’s return to the Destiny and Rush’s idea of gate hopping. It seemed a little far fetched to me. I always saw the Universe gates in tiny clusters that were inaccessible from one another. That is unless you have an intergalactic ship like the Destiny. Anyway the way Rush and James were going to travel it seemed like the gates in the galaxy are more like a chain with a person only able to go planet to planet in the chain. Speaking of James I forgot to mention something earlier. Her little session spoke to who she was. I always thought her thing with Scott was purely sex and maybe it was but James certainly didn’t see it that way. It speaks to who James is and how heartbroken she is of what Scott is. It shows despite being a trained soldier James is still a human being who had emotions that were trampled on. I would be hurt if someone did that to me.
Now switching gears again to how Scott and company left behind of the “ruin” planet. It’s really a lose lose. I can not blame Scott for leaving Greer behind because well he is a human life and a valuable asset to the Destiny’s survival. But at the same time you have to look at it in numbers. Every second lessens their chance of reaching Destiny so I think Scott made the right choice of leaving Greer behind especially since he didn’t know they were dead. What can I say about the various planets in this gate-jumping? Not much except that I found them visually stunning. The CGI dinosaur looked awesome but there were other cool planets like the humid jungle and I especially like the snow planet. But not really anything worth mentioning (except Greer which I already brought up) until Eli realized they were close to the planet where Young gave Rush some revenge.
Speaking of the planet I’m calling Rushpotamia the tracing of the Destiny using the crashed alien ship makes sense. In the regard that we know the blue aliens are obsessed with Destiny so I understand that they would be tracking it in space. But if that crashed ship knew where Destiny was it raises two very serious questions. Why haven’t the aliens been attacking Destiny if they knew where the ship was after all? And how did they access the information so quickly? I hope it was a relation to Chloe being in that water tank. Because if it wasn’t this episode was solved way too fast.
We have to take a break to mention TJ announcing her pregnancy to Young. It seems out of place to me. We have a scene of her nervous to telling Young followed by her speech of being pregnant and keeping the baby and then nothing else happens. While from a storyline point of view I’m glad Young now knows and that TJ is strong in her stance of keeping the baby but the just seemed out place with the rest of the episode as it wasn’t mentioned at all again.
Greer being rescued by James kind of reminds of SG1’s Serpent’s Lair in that both episodes a team member gets left behind and through miraculous circumstances gets rescued before their teammates. Speaking of Greer’s teammates lets talk about the climax. The first time Eli dialed the Destiny I had a feeling it was going to be Rush’s team that reports back. But knowing Stargate like I do I just figured Eli and the team would make a lock in his 2nd dial. Imagine my shock when Scott, Eli, and Chloe were left behind when Destiny left the galaxy. It was a shocker of a cliffhanger and I am so excited how this continues in the next episode