A Morale Booster For Jelgate

Apr 14, 2010 17:34

You ever have that sense of pride when something just clicks?  Where you try for days and for days to understand something and  in that cluster of neurons you call a brain just finds out the solution. And when you see the solution it is just so obvious for you. Well that happened to me the other week in my Genetics course.

We had been studying RNA and how transcripting RNA you can control a gene. One system my professor explained and expected us was to know how the lac operon system works. For those of you who eyes are wandering don't worry I'm done with the jargon and the concept of what I was struggling with isn't that important. Anyway  I tried for days consulting my professor and tutors and despite their best efforts (and honestly both tried) I just could not comprehend the lac operon. I just could not understand how it worked.

This next part I just can not explain. I was reading through my Genetics textbook and something just clciked and understood the exactly how the various comptonents (keeping the jargon to minimium for non-science readers) of the lac system work in conjunction with one another. And it was luckly so since my test over this stuff was the next day. And while I didn't do as well as I would have liked the fact that I got all but one of the lac operon questions right gives me some kind of satsfaction. I guess nothing makes me feel better then finally finding a solution to a daunting task. And not just school. I feel pride when I solve a difficult task in a lot of areas especially when its something I care about. Can you understand that?
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