Wow has it been a wonderful but long day!

Jul 09, 2008 22:31

Well let's see. 

 Today I got the all clear everything is "a-ok" with my c section. Now I can resume all normal operations. YEAH! 

 Orders have been processed. If someone has not recieved a reply there may have been a glitch, check spam folder. 

 I have decided I am going to try and sew more often. I need to learn more so I can make something totally kick ass that I can wear just to look like a completely different person. (In a good way)  If I can make something like this person's XXXholic costume I will be buried in it. LOL -->

I saw a program last night: WALMART: HIGH.

 Did anyone else watch it and if so what were your thoughts??
I was so ticked after I watched it, it made me completely not want to shop there at all ever! And the whole China thing is BS. If they are paying them $3 a day then by god that is a crappy thing to do. I will never buy clothing or anything made outside of the US from there again. How can people & Companies get away with doing this?

I think the US needs to get brains, look outside and inside this box (our world) and fine those companies that are causing human rights problems. Then that money needs to be reverted to that currency for that company and split it up equally amoung all those people that were being violated. Give those companies a 3 strikes and your out policy. After all it is a crime that company is commiting. Why treat them any different then a common criminal?  

rants, gripes, costume making, walmart

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