Dec 28, 2005 21:28
Just wanted to gripe about the evil person who left a stickie note on my car at Trader Joes today saying "If you can't park straight, leave it at home". Grrr. I was in the lines and it wasn't that crooked. Sheesh. What happened to the holiday spirit and all that? Besides, he didn't see how the cars on either side of me were parked when I got there. And in fact, I did straighten the car to the best of my abilities. What is wrong with people?
On a happier note, today was relatively decent. I got a call from my friend who had her baby almost four weeks ago and we headed out to the mall to walk. The kids let us walk around a couple times, so it was a decent walk. We hung out at B&N for a while so the babies could nurse and the older kids could look at books and then went our separate ways. I was able to exchange the socks I had bought for bigger ones. I don't know how they know you are telling the truth and not shoplifting, but it was decent of them to do it. And DD1 was very helpful. She didn't really give me any trouble until we got to the car when she didn't want to get in her carseat, as usual. I did carry her on my back and had DD2 in the stroller on the way to the car. Am I a sucker or what?
She had wanted to go to the play area, but we really didn't have time for that, so without much complaint really, we headed over to TJs. I got everything I needed (I think) and was out of there in half an hour. Must be a record for me. I got some turkey and wine and milk and eggs and egg nog. I couldn't resist. DD1 loves the egg nog. She calls it drink nog:) I made myself a turkey sandwich and she ate a quarter of it. I was shocked. I must say that since we took the candy away and are doling it out one piece at a time, she's doing much better. I think she was not feeling all well, but life has gotten better since then. I need to go hide the drinking chocolate dh got us so she stops demanding hot chocolate every day too.
Last annoyance: my bill payer thing isn't working the way it should. My credit card still hasn't been paid and the bill is due on Sat. Luckily we have extra money and can move funds around (again) and pay by phone, but the system should be working. I know that if I mailed a check from my house last Monday, it should have cleared my checking by today. Argh. So, DH and I were having (another) rip-roaring argument about how inadequate I am. Luckily a few phone calls made my life easier and it will turn out ok.
And I screwed up and asked for the wrong thing from my in-laws for xmas. pbbbt. I don't know if I should return it or just keep it.
And then I took the girls out to see decorations. DD1 was asleep in like 10 minutes:)