end of year stats

Dec 24, 2015 22:56


31 (well, 34, really) podfics (some of these I'm a teeny tiny bit player) (3 more coming out before the end of the year, but I can't talk about those yet).

14 of them, by my count, will be only my voice. The rest were multi-voiced. I have been very lucky to be geographically close to some awesome people who like to co-pod and it's an utter delight. Also, was very lucky to have 

rhea314 here for a few months.  And now 

daroos is here and that's a whole 'nother level of fun.

I did two podfics over 3 hours this year, but one was started last year. I did the last 2.5 hours this year.

32 fandoms. LOL. Boy, those crossovers really hit some territory. :D

And ... that's about it from here.

16 (let's call it 16 even though two aren't quite done, but very close) 4 of these were quite small, 2 are lap/baby quilts, and the other 10 are roughly 19 inches on a side. I got much more into detail this year.

2 shows
applied to at least two calls for entry (will double that by the end of the year -- I hope. The deadlines are in January.)

Fanart: finally finished my Merlin inspired quilt!

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/888063.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

podfic, year in review

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