Looking for recs

Sep 23, 2015 20:01

I've just started watching Peaky Blinders, but in case I have to bail out, I'm looking for recs.

Shows I like:

Merlin (except the ending, obviously)
Warehouse 13
The Bletchley Circle
Monarch of the Glen (I'm not even sure why the hell this one stuck, but it did)


The Fall (Tarsem Singh)
How to Train Your Dragon

In other news, I'm panicking about finishing my BIG project, although it seems like I really ought to be able to finish with time to spare, assuming that things can be simple, which I always overthink.

Besides parenting, working on the big project, and trying to keep up with housework, etc, that's about all I've got for you. I think I need to start recording podfic again. It's a good rhythm to be in.

ETA: The Great Train Robbery was really good too.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/880960.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

movies, question, update, tv

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