Update and to do for Tuesday

Apr 06, 2015 22:32

Um, I returned from Colorado, mostly unscathed. I missed having a car (the public transit there is not great) and felt like a huge burden to my hosts and missed feeding myself too, but I did watch Kingsman out there and got a good chunk of beading done, so that was good. Also watched a bunch of Six Feet Under which has left me wrecked. Not sure if I want to go back and rewatch any of it.  I loved the first two seasons and then it kind of took this weird turn that I didn't like. Enough about a show that ended 10 years ago.

I finally have a day at home, alone, tomorrow. Hurray! So, things to do:

e-check hubby's thing
set up 529
allergy shots
grocery store x2
pick up fixing spray for charcoal drawing
reconcile statements
work on molecules
cook fish
PODFIC!!! I got permission for a Kingsman story and I should get to work on that Merlin story I got permission for a while back. Oops.
cook beef and marrow bones
pick up DD2 from school
figure out summer plans for kids
figure out frames
clean up kitchen
vacuum clods of dirt
pack up shirt to return

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/865912.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

to do, update

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