Agent Carter

Feb 07, 2015 22:48

 Had a very busy cram packed full day including a sweet little visit with 
lizcommotion at her favorite yarn store so I could acquire some merino roving for FELTING. We will see how long this felting romance lasts.

Anyway, she mentioned Agent Carter and I've been seeing people talking about it, so I decided to give it a try. My two second meta on it follows. No real spoilers. I've only seen the one ep, so this can't apply to the rest, but I'm fairly certain, given the universe it comes out of, that my issues with it will follow the rest of the eps.

Peggy Carter is a total BAMF. I love that. Really fucking love it. I love that she sticks up for these women who can't stick up for themselves, for whatever reason. What has left me wanting is the violence. I can't relate to it. I don't own a gun. I don't *want* to shoot people or even learn how to do it. I'm happy being a somewhat frumpy, middleage housewife. I cannot relate to all the action and physical violence. I relate to Jarvis better than Peggy. So, that, in a nutshell, is why I liked both Bomb Girls and The Bletchley Circle better than the one ep of Agent Carter, although I am intrigued enough I'll probably watch the second ep and see how I feel.

In other news, if anyone wants to talk to me about wet felting or nuno felting, let's chat! Or anything. Except I probably won't have time to answer for reals until Sunday afternoon. But don't let that stop you!

Also, still time to contribute a short podfic to Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology V. I got started with number II. Those were my first two podfics! I guess that means my 3 year podficversary is coming up. :D

ETA:  I didn't mean to imply that everyone had to personally relate to violence to enjoy Agent Carter. I just like seeing other things as a way of showing power/strength/competence.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

crafts, meta, tv

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