Year end review

Dec 22, 2014 11:30

Quilts made: around 40
Shows: 2 (or 3, depending on how you count. I put two ATCs in a show in Austin, Texas)
Trips: 8
ATCs: 9 (hoping to make about fifty more)
Fanart: 1!
words: 13,382 (which includes 6K of a failed PL BB)
podfics: 53 ( 1 of these is 4+ hours, and one is 3 hours out of 5+ posted so far). One is in Italian too. 8 were collabs!

It’s been an incredibly productive year, I’d say!

Would love to see other people's year in numbers, if anyone else wants to play.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

year in review

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