You guys ask GREAT questions :D

Dec 01, 2014 11:41

cadenzamuse asked:  Hmm...what kind of media do you like to consume? In what genres? Any particular recommendations?

I used to be a completely avid reader, but between getting into art quilting seriously and my close vision declining, I am now much more into TV shows and audio books and talk radio. I have always loved talk radio and audio books.  I'm a huge fan of scifi/fantasy across genres, except talk radio. I love listening to interviews with famous people. Diane Rehm, Kojo Namdi, and  Terry Gross are my favorite radio programs. I can't get into podcasts, even though I keep trying.

As for TV: Firefly is excellent. If you haven't seen Pushing Daisies or Wonderfalls, you are missing out. PD has some great dark humor and the whole cast is top notch. Wonderfalls is a bit more whimsical, but I love it and it's got a woman as the main character. There is a lot of great stuff in Wonderfalls. Big fan of Outlander right now. And Eureka, especially s4 and s5. I really liked Warehouse 13 a lot and was sad when it ended.

As for audio books, I tend to stick with narrators for the most part. Barbara Rosenblat is top notch. Davina Porter is great too.  Alan Cumming is amazing (you have to listen to the Leviathan trilogy with him reading it). And the Full Cast Audio books are terrific.

just_ann_now :  What are your children's favorite books?

Probably the last book they just read. DD2 says she doesn't have a favorite. If it features animals in some way, she loves it. Especially those anthropomorphized stories.

DD1 ... hard to say. I can ask her when she gets home.

alexseanchai : What inspired you to neuroscience quilting?

The class I took a couple years ago had a lecture before it and the woman showed these amazing quilts that were inspired by microscopic images. I saw those and was like "that's what I want to do with the rest of my life" (having never made a real art quilt before that) and voila, the inspiration was born. When I was lookiing at microscopic pics online, I was just really drawn to neurons. They are so beautiful. And it turns out they fit into this them of stars, and seas, and nature and hidden things.  All things I really love.

Any more questions? These are fun!

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