To do

Oct 24, 2014 08:38

I really have nothing to say. I'm just going to post my to do list:

grocery store (milk and eggs, mainly)
gas station
quilt 3 bases
hem neighbor's dress(holy mother of god that took longer than it should have, damned synthetic knit fabric)
put 1/2 design on one base
make and attach more hanging corners (if applicable)
fix PBB
cook beef for tacos

I worked on quilting stuff pretty late last night, like up until I went to bed, and then I was dreaming about sewing all night. It was not helpful, let's say. I'm hoping for a nap today.

I'm still reading/skimming entries here. Just not replying. /0\

What's on your agenda? This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

to do, update

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