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This is for
lillibet and
falena . :D :D
I seem to be in a state where I can read everything, spam all of you, but not actually reply to entries and barely manage to reply to comments here. Er. Sorry about that!
I was going to link you to some stuff I found on Tumblr, but I don't have spoons for that either. Just go check my outlander tag there.
Oh, wait, have a picture of Alexander Vlahos in his new role in Versailles. He's the one standing. Oh, three positive things on day 3:
1. I am strong enough to mow my own lawn and did so this afternoon (finally).
2. I am going to NYC for a very brief jaunt this weekend
3. People have been enjoying my latest fannish output and that makes me happy
This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.