
Jun 17, 2014 16:12

So, last Friday I got in a train and headed north. New York was fabulous. I met up with my brother for lunch and then got hang out with the fabulous
reenajenkins as we wandered around The Met for hours. There was a great fashion exhibit by  Charles James. We also saw some other fun things and there was a tremendous storm that had substantially petered out by the time we were ready to leave. We picked up some sushi on the way home and then we got to podfic a Bucky/Steve story that was great fun.

The next morning, I took myself to the New York Historical Society and went to three exhibits. There was a Civil War exhibit with a bunch of quilts that I really enjoyed. I also saw an exhibit on the Jewish Defense Council and lastly, this exhibit of photographs by Bill Cunningham which were all about placing his friend in front of various famous pieces of architecture in costume. Then I treated myself to eggs for lunch and by god, they were delicious.

After lunch, I went back to my sister's apartment for a bit of a rest. Then I had to peel myself off the bed for another podficcing playdate. Results of that are forthcoming, but let's just say it was Wicked fun :D Also, if anyone knows of a story with Elphaba and Elsa (from Frozen) in the same story, please point me to it. I'd love to see the two of them working together.

Then I went off to see Vlavla in his play, which I already wrote about. Next morning, I hiked up to Dean and Deluca and got a few treats and then hit a cheese store for treats for dh. Then I got on the train and came home. I had a hiccup on the way home in that I got on the wrong metro train on the last leg. I added an extra hour to my trip. Ugh. I was so tired, but it all worked out in the end.

In the meantime, I've been trying to catch up on house-y type stuff that I've neglected, so lots of phone calls between yesterday and today. I'm ready to go to bed, but I've got a quilting meeting I have to attend.

Oh, one of the things I've done recently is set up a blog for my art quilts. If you are interested, PM me. :D

And that's all I've got for you now. I feel like I've been super busy with nothing to show for it. Today was mostly spent podficcing and then running around dealing with teacher gifts.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/815745.html. Feel free to comment here or there.


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