
Apr 30, 2014 20:54

So, I'm going to do a wrap up post for my participation in amplificathon 2014.

My last four podfics are in this post.

I made 16 podfics in 18 fandoms. I think I got 12 fandoms that had never had any podfics in them before (according to the audio archive). (Fandoms are: Dragaera (Steven Brust), Merlin, Sherlock (BBC), Muse, Thelma and Louise, Fight Club, GI Jane/Bravo Two Zero, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Musketeers, Harry Potter, Time Traveller's Wife, Dukes of Hazzard, Eureka, Almost Human, Confessions of Dorian Gray/Torchwood, Privates) Total time: 2hours and 20 minutes (approximately).

Regardless of how many points I earned, here are things that excited me:
I made at least two podfics for authors who had never been podficced before, and they were quite excited to be asked.
One new listener to podfic arrived during this time and got hooked because of something I did. (That kind of blew me away.)
I got great author feedback when I cut out a line and just breathed instead.
On my quest to do as many podfics in fandoms that didn't have podfics, I found some really fantastic works.
I also did my first podfic in Italian! It was harder than anything I've done to date. I think writing in Italian would be easier. *facepalm*
I asked people to rec me some fics of theirs to record and that was awesome too.
Oh, and I even edited podfic on the train and discovered it was quite soothing. I wish I could hear on a plane so I could edit on a plane too.

I also realized (probably again) that one of the things I love about podficcing is the community experience I have. I get to perform other people's words, other people might beta for me, other people definitely cheerlead and offer feedback in general. Other people will chat meta.

So, yeah. I've been busy podficcing like a fiend as well as running around because I can. I've been double booked most days this week. Tomorrow is another double booked day. Art quilts in the morning, scientific inspired art in the evening!

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

podfic, fandom, update

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