Oh this and that

Apr 23, 2014 11:38

Ooooh, someone remixed my story Destiny and Doom (it's about Merlin and Morgana). You should go read it. I always had a soft spot for her and felt bad about the way the show treated her. Her Final Judge is the remix. EEEEEE.

Had a shitty morning. Just feel like I can't win at this parenting/family stuff. Augh. Where is the balance. I know it's there somewhere. Also feeling like a failure that I can't communicate to the person in charge of fostering dogs. I think I'm pretty clear in my language, but there seems to be a disconnect.

And now I'm going to go sew. I can do that. I have spent the morning doing some cleaning and chatting with my mom. Must sew. It's therapeutic.

Oh, I had another realization which is that RL makes me feel like I'm very flaky with my online presence. Again, it's about balance, right?

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/806091.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

fanfic, merlin, update

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