Was it Monday

Mar 19, 2014 16:57

Today I woke up an hour late. Off to an amazing start... I raced around, got everyone ready and left the house at 8:35, barely getting the kids to school on time, but getting me to my workshop on time. Quilting class was from 9-3. I was pretty fried by 1.  The teacher told us what we could do with the "fabric" we made, but my brain was starting to shut down by then. It took me a while to get packed up and get out of there, so I didn't get home until 3. Have managed to drop DD1 off at dance. Will need to shuttle her to tutoring. In the meantime, I am VERY excited about this new technique. I can't wait to play with it! I might even do more tonight, maybe. :D :D

Not sure everyone wants to see that, so I'm putting the pic behind the cut. It's kind of big. If you put ":large" at the end of the url, you can see it a little bigger.

So, I'm pretty fried, but now I'm around for a little bit. I need to finish up the draft of my remix tomorrow. Anyone want to join me in productivity sprints?


kleinefee92 wrote me a birthday fic (she started it last year) and it's just lovely!!! It involves quilting and reincarnation. I won't say any more. Just go read it. And The World Thought I Had It All, But I Was Waiting For You

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/794239.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

life, fanfic, quilting, merlin, update, recs

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