So, it snowed. It's still snowing. We are not getting a whole lot, but whatever. It's snowing. So, I've been distracted, although I did manage to fold some laundry, do a little cleaning, and cook some veggies. Go me.
I watched the finale of Sleepy Hollow this morning. Yowza. I need all the fanfic to get me through the hiatus. Or all the behind the scenes stuff.
On that note, someone talked to some of the costumers from the set and it is fascinating. Some pictures too. Not terribly spoilery. Article is very long.
I started watching The Musketeers and UNF UNF UNF. I don't like all the sexing up that some of the guys are doing, but I'm already pretty well sucked in. It's very engaging. Just haven't had time to watch.
I am 2/3 of the way through The Mayfair Monster. EEEEEE. Alex in my ear. #melted
I am trying to decide how I feel about packing my microphone and recording while I'm away next week. I don't have the original packaging, so I'd have to wrap it carefully.
And that's about it from here. I'm hoping that the kids GO to school tomorrow, even if it's delayed.
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