Bunch of things

Jan 16, 2014 18:43

Ok, two things to mention:

1. Merlin Art Fest is open for prompting. Go. Now. The more the better!

2. aftercamlann is a new Merlin BB comm replacing Paperlegends. I cannot participate in a BB. I don't think I have it in me to write that many words to a deadline, but there is no reason YOU shouldn't do it if you want!

resonant recently made a post where she said you could ask her about a variety of things and she could give you an expert opinion on them. I am going to let you know if you have questions about food, ask. I know a ridiculous amount about food. Both cooking and nutrition. Don't ask me how to feed picky children because I suck at that. :D I think you all know you could ask me about quilting too, yes? Trying to think if I have any other good tricks up my sleeve. I feel pretty "one trick pony"ish.

4. Ta da list for today:
  • got kids to school (amazing given that DD2 didn't get up until 8am)
  • cleaned up in kitchen
  • posted podfic meta
  • mended pair of DD1's leggings
  • worked on vagina quilt
  • ate lunch
  • talked to sister for an hour about her wedding plans (I'm involved on two levels -- making chuppah canopy and kids are flower (er, bubble) girls
  • went to art quilt group. Discovered they are meeting next week. Bought cheese and carrots and came home.
  • emptied dishwasher
  • signed DD1 up for feis
  • picked up DD2
  • ate some more
  • attempted to work on quilt; am thoroughly stymied. Can't figure out proportions. If anyone wants to chat with me, let me know. I'd love some feedback/input/dialogue on it.
  • fed DD1
It's almost 7pm. I don't feel like I must get in bed yet, although it's tempting. I want to get this quilt more stitched down. Like, any stitched down would be good :D I'm including a picture under a cut of the state it's in now.

ETA:  I forgot that
fire_juggler is hosting a micro remix/transformation fanwork fest here. Go check it out! We can all play :D

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/775903.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

fandom, question, quilting, merlin, signal boost, fest, ta da list

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