So, there's this
Merlin Rare Pairs fest happening soon and I am thinking I'd like to participate. Fanworks need to be new. Anyone want to write (or co-write) a Mordred/X with me for me to pod? :D
In other news, so fucking busy this weekend. No internet time until tomorrow, probably, despite great connectivity:D
Monday the kids go back to school
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Yes, Tumblr for interaction is the PITS. Ugh. It's so frustrating. You have to make sure you do the tagging thing right (just post the username as its own tag and make sure it's spelled right!), but not everyone checks their own username and I feel like asks get lost sometimes. I know I had one that I had no idea was in my box until I checked when another one appeared.
Tumblr seems to revel in volume. I follow about 50 blogs on tumblr. I can't do more. I know lots of people (ie, most, I think) who follow a LOT more than that. I think it's really good for lurkers and people who do graphics. And those with low spoons for interaction.
LOL. Twitter took me a while to get the hang of. I like that I can dip in and out whenever I have time.
The thing for me is that I find I connect with people who like different platforms and I can't force people to use one platform. They have to use the platform they like, so I got on Tumblr to connect with a particular artist (who I adore) and it turns out there are a handful of people who really only hang on Tumblr, nowhere else. So, I have to hang out with them on their platform of choice. Make sense? This is why I'm not so interested in following everyone on every platform. I try, as much as possible, to have each platform be unique with regards to who I follow where, although there is definitely some overlap, especially with podficcers:D
I've never asked anyone anything on tumblr. I put out fandom-specific comments or questions with fandom tags. I follow more than 50 tumbles and I'm often adding new ones as I gain new interests.
Do you post things that people can answer? The only way I've found to do this is to post a text entry with a question at the end. Occasionally someone will answer one of those.
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