To do

Nov 15, 2013 08:27

Clean up kitchen
bake cookies
work on SH exchange
work on podfic for ITPE (either (re)record or edit)
read to DD2's class
oil change
family meeting
cocktail hour with friends!

Someone on Tumblr made a gifset of Merlin and Arthur from S1 that I adore. Here's the first mouthwatering scene. Click on the gif to take to the full post.

Also, Vi Hart wrote this. Just go read it.
Google+ YouTube Integration: Kind of Like Twilight, Except In This Version When +Cullen Drinks BellaTube’s Blood They Both Become Mortal, But +Cullen Is Still An Abusive Creep, Also It Is Still Bad

alby_mangroves  is having an auction for fandomaid for the Phillipines.  Go bid on her fantastic art!

And I just saw this website for drone noises on Tumblr. Wow. Awesome. You could totally zone out to it!

Hope you all have a great day! <3

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

merlin, links, to do, internet, meta

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