It's really Thurs. It's really Thurs. Not Monday.

Oct 03, 2013 10:51

After a hairy morning, starting with a dream no thanks to SGU wherein I was spacelocking people (ugh ugh ugh, where is the brainbleach for that?) and then protracted fights with girls to get to them school, I made it to the grocery store for lasagna ingredients and a few other sundries. Lasagna is in the oven. I will have lunch for the next two weeks,  yay!

I'm meeting up with a friend this afternoon for life coaching. I have decided to focus on my art quilts and what I want to do about them (business-wise). To that end, she's going to help me with a letter that I've been wanting to write for months. Hopefully this will unblock me and I can start making neuron quilts too!

I had a very productive day yesterday. I'm feeling like today is going to be not so much, but that's ok.

Feeling incredibly failboaty on the writing front. It is entirely possible PMS has taken over my brain.  I have moments where I want to orphan everything I've done. Or just delete it all. I'm trying to tell the brain weasels to fuck off and go away, but I'm not having much success.

Also, I talked with a friend this morning who told me she is getting a dog and I asked if we could share the dog (we had talked about this before) and she was enthusiastic about this idea. I need to tell dh that we are going to be dog cousins :D

I'm feeling very distanced from fandom at the moment. I'm just not excited about anything. This makes me very sad. I want to fall in love with Sleepy Hollow, but little things keep irritating me.  I am watching the new Michael J Fox show which I'm really enjoying, much to my surprise.

I think that's it for now. Got anything fun going on today?

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

life, nightmares, update, ugh

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