Sep 25, 2013 08:49

Ok, raring to go. Here's a to do list:

sew something (I tidied/organized instead of sewing)
laundry (at least two loads) 3 loads!
clean bathroom
vacuum bedroom
change bed
pay bills
clean up in kitchen
grocery store
beta podfic
polish WTNV podfic (ok, listened to it, adjusted music. Will rerecord some bits tomorrow.)
contact strings teacher
get DD1 to/from dance
drop off ballet shoes that no one wears any more
cook brussel sprouts
put off mowing until tomorrow :D
look at dh's London write up (I got through half of it, that's something, right?)
call ENT doc and dermatologist (It's health year at chez Jela, apparently:P)

Hope you are all having an awesome day! It feels good to be functional again:D This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/752996.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

to do

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