Have a teeny bit of squee

Sep 15, 2013 22:32

I had a shot of Grand Marnier on an empty stomach and am quite tipsy. Ugh. That shit is strong.  So, I'm not really with it enough to give you lots of squee, so I'll just give you quality squee instead.

eosrose podficced one of my ficlets.  Waiting to Exhale. Go listen and give her some love. It's about 2 1/2 minutes. Eeeee.

Oh here, have another.  It's Chekov squee. On Tumblr. Sorry.

Also, I did some shopping (a little food, a little quilt related), fielded a phone call or two, did some cooking (lamb sausages, sweet potatoes, and salad and cheesy noodles for kids for lunch), did two loads of laundry, sorted pictures with dh for a bit, and got two loads of laundry done.

Hoping to focus on sewing stuff in the morning and then violin lessons in the afternoon.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/749944.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

podfic, fic, squee, merlin, star trek

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