
Jul 30, 2013 10:22

frenchpony has a question about children's songs.

If you are into Welcome to Night Vale (and if you aren't, why not?) there is an excellent NC17 Carlos/Cecil fic that
copperbadge wrote.

That's about it for news.  I am still working on catching up to the comments about why we create. Excellent conversations in both entries (on LJ and DW).

lizcommotion is coming over today and we are going to have some serious textile squee, so I won't be online much (again). Actually, this is probably true until September, really.

Had an excellent day crafting on Sunday with my friend and her daughter. At one point there were four of us sewing with three machines. It felt like Santa's Workshop, but I will henceforth be referring to my sewing room as The Lab.   I hope that none of my scientist friends take offense at this.

Ok, time to clean up a bit so I can be free to craft! DD1 is ready to quilt her little quilt. She finally finished her top that she started last year.  Yay!

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fanfic, fandom, quilting, friends, links, recs

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