Link soup

Jul 18, 2013 18:47

Lots of interesting stuff floating around the ether these days. I seem to throw links up on Twitter and then forget about them, but I'd love to talk about any of these.

Have an article about maintaining your identity in a relationship. Fascinating. Well written too.

How about this article written 4 years ago about releasing copyright? I love it.

greedy_dancer has some more entries on meta on Youtubing. The first one on DW is here. The first one on LJ is here.

Apropos of Youtube, I am starting to fall for Hank and John Green. I will probably be watching The Lizzie Bennett Diaries soon.

Ok, on to more links.

biocanvas is doing a survey. It took me seven minutes. Please go fill it out.

Clay Sharky talked about collaboration in a TED talk (specifically on the internet) and I found it fascinating, especially as it applies to fandom.

If you want to see an adorable sketch with Neil Patrick Harries and Joseph Gordon Levitt, and I know you do, click here.

The Tumblr apocalypse has arrived. Porn is being censored. On some blogs at least
. (Not mine yet, that I know of. I am pretty sure I have reblogged NSFW things.)

In local news,
lizcommotion is hosting a safe space to talk about good things, because good things do happen on bad days.

sharpeningthebones  has an open post for those who ned a safe space to vent, cheer, ask for help or anything else. They are asking for trigger warnings in the subject line, but really, I think you can post anything there.

I think that's enough for now.  I've had a fairly productive day and feel much better. The hormones did not steam-roll me today, thank god. Will try for an early bedtime tonight.  I am going to sew for a bit now. Just go wham some blocks I've already made together. It will be good stress relief.

Hope you are all staying cool. If I've missed anything great, let me know and I can add it to the bottom of the post. Oh, one last thing, I am so relieved not to be terrribly invested in SDCC this year. It looks like people are having great fun, but it's fun to just watch it go by without having to be intensely focused on not missing any of the news. I think I have a glimmer of an idea of how gealach_ros feels:)

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

links, relationships, tumblr, meta, collaboration, fandom, support, youtube, friendship

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