Yesterday I made a connection with
lizcommotion and could not be more excited. She is a textile geek and a fan and I had a fabulous time talking to her. It was so relaxing, just being able to be myself. Also, she's local! Yay for actual face to face time. I'm thrilled to have made this connection.
I have booked accommodations for my UK trip. I am going to make a filter for that. If you want to be on it and you're not, let me know and if you're on it and don't want to be, likewise, let me know!
My PL writer is dropping out, so I won't be making muppety puppety things until later. Apparently the files got corrupted. I think I would have thrown up, had it been me. On the other hand, I'm relieved that I won't be doing all-nighters trying to get the figures done. Now I can focus on my commissions and podfic.
pod_together , my body (I typed "pody" hee hee) is ready for you. Also, self, get in gear and finish editing
The Shoemaker already.
I think I'm going to have take a tumblr hiatus. I can't keep up.
Have I talked about
benjamin_cook and his Becoming Youtube series here at all? I find it fascinating. I love his videos and how he brings up topics and questions things about Youtubers. Also, I have had this resistance to John Green, but it may be fading. He seems like a spectacularly awesome guy.
Ok, time to try to get stuff done.
work on rooster
pay bills/reconcile bank statement
grocery store?
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