Star Trek

May 22, 2013 23:03

So, it looks like I might be falling into Star Trek. I give you exhibit A: Anton Yelchin as Pavel Chekov who is fucking adorable.

I rest my case. Now, I am in dire need of at least one icon of him. Pointers? Also, I have no idea the source of this gif. I found it through google which makes it impossible to find the source.

Also, I have done a ton of shit today and have cleared the schedule for quilting and podficcing tomorrow. I can't wait! It's going to be much better than Friday when I have to go see the colo-rectal surgeon because my mom had rectal cancer last year (She's doing fine, but all the doctors are freaked out and convinced I have colon cancer.).

ETA: I now have three lovely icons courtesy lewisian_gneiss

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request, fandom, anton yelchin, chekov, star trek

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