So sleepy

May 16, 2013 21:46

I got up early to walk with my neighbor, dealt with a new fridge delivery, read to DD1's class, took kids to pediatrician (well, just DD1 who appears to have a plantar wart), and then basically walked in the door and collapsed. I am going to attempt to edit more podfic so
kalakirya can beta it. Alas, I haven't recorded any this week. I'm going to go lie in bed and do that. I know I'm ridiculously behind on comments. I am so sorry! I will do my best to catch up.

Here, have a cute gif.

I think that's all I've got for you now. I watched Star Trek 2009 recently and tomorrow I'm going to go see the new one! Yay!

Oh, perhaps it bears mentioning.  One of my neighbor's died last week.  The funeral was tonight (which I ended up skipping).  The guy was 52. 0.o.  He smoked for a long time and had small cell lung cancer:(  They found out about two weeks before he died. That makes the seventh neighbor to die since we moved here.  I don't have any deep thoughts about it.  Didn't know the guy well, but I have no idea what is going to happen to the family he's left behind. :(

Also also also, check out Colin Morgan in Period Costume via manip by
whimsycatcher .  IT IS YUMMY!!

Oh, and LJ notifications are way behind, which won't help me one bit:P

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

life, gif, arthur, merlin, update, tumblr

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